Saturday, December 20, 2008
Great Website for Young Families
Look At Me Grow! Project is an Early Identification Grant funded through the Minnesota Department of Education. Northern Lights Special Education Cooperative is partnering with local Early Childhood Family Education, Carlton County Public Health and local Head Start for this project. To access this free valuable resource for families with young children go to .
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Still A Few Days Left To Vote!
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Focus on India
It has emerged as a global player in several areas, including information technology, business process outsourcing, telecommunications, and pharmaceuticals. The demographic profile of India is changing with an ageing population. The subcontinent is characterized by large diversities in geographical regions, sociocultural groups, and health needs.
For more information about India visit the World Health Organization website at:
Or attend the Focus on India event on Thursday, December 11, 2008
Increasing global trade opportunities are creating an exciting economic environment in Northern Minnesota. A coalition of area businesses, educational institutions and nonprofit organizations are kicking of the first in a series of workshops aimed at introducing citizens and businesses to global trade and cultural opportunities.
The first event of the “Global Understanding Series” will focus on India. The event will include:
- Panel discussions
- Expert presentations
- Cultural showcase
- Ethnic food
Conference registration is $75. Includes lunch, reception, program materials, and evening performance by Ragamala Dance Troupe. Space is limited.
For more information and to register visit It promises to be fun and educational. Please plan to join us on December 11, 2008 as we Focus on India.
Global Understanding Series Focus On India Press Release
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tech Toy Workshops
This is a great hands-on experience for parents and grandparents! Learn how to use some of the new technology toys and how the internet can be used to share photos, video, and books. Registration is required for these one hour workshops so call the library (218-362-5959) and sign up early. Come to one or sign up for all of them.
9:00 a.m. Digital Cameras & Picasa/Flickr
11:00 a.m. Video Cameras & Youtube
1:00 p.m. Wii setting up & getting started / sports, games, & rock band
3:00 p.m. MP3 players & OverDrive
Friday, November 21, 2008
Computer Classe
Internet Safety I
Thursday, December 4th @ 3:00 p.m.
Learn how to protect your computer using passwords, patches, firewalls, anti-virus software, spyware, and pop-up blockers.
Internet Safety II
Thursday, December 11th @ 3:00 p.m.
A lesson on protecting yourself online. The class will cover using email, chat, shopping online, and identity theft.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Attention All Seniors on Medicare
Representatives from AEOA will be in the library’s computer lab the following days:
Wednesday, December 10th from 9:00 until 5:00
Thursday, December 17th from 9:00 until 5:00
Please call AEOA at one of the following numbers to schedule an appointment:
218-748-7301 or 800-662-5711 ext. 201.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Keetac Mine Expansion
The Department of Natural Resources and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have prepared these documents to guide analyses to include in an Environmental Impact Statement for U.S. Steel’s proposal to expand an existing mine pit and re-start an idle iron ore processing line.
Documents are available at the Hibbing Public Library front desk.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
New Online Book Club!
In cooperation with authors from the International Thriller Writers Association a new Thriller Book Club will replace the Horror Book Club in our online offerings, beginning November 3rd, 2008.
Go to the library’s web site at , click on the Online Book Clubs icon. Join the new thriller book club and get ready for action and suspense stories that take you on high speed adventures in which tough, resourceful, but essentially ordinary heroes are pitted against villains determined to destroy them, their country, or the stability of the free world.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Services for Book Clubs
Book Clubs can also request background information on authors, reviews for specific titles, and discussion guides. Just call the library at 362-5959 and ask for reference. We will create a packet of information for any author and title.
Audio guides for titles that were part of the Big Read program are now available for check out. These CDs feature readings from the novel along with commentary from renowned artists, educators, and public figures such as Robert Redford, Colin Powell, and Mary-Louise Parker, and Big Read authors such as Amy Tan and Ray Bradbury.
Book Club members may also be interested in the library’s “Book News” newsletters. Get “Book News” delivered to your email or read it online at the library’s web site. “Book Club Picks” is just one of the categories available.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Law Library for the Public
Friday, October 24, 2008
Kill A Watt Electric Usage Monitors
Monitors are available at the front desk.
Pumpkin Carving Contest
Bring your own pumpkin and show us your best design.
Prizes for several categories.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Puppet Show at the Library
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Check Out the New Electronic Databases
Student Resource Center Gold - Student Resource Center provides thousands of periodicals and newspapers, primary documents, creative works, video and audio clips and podcasts. Including hundreds of plays and poems, more than 63,000 topic overviews, biographies, and pieces of literary criticism, and more 1,700 study guide questions.
Expanded Academic ASAP - This premier database of more than 2,500 titles offers balanced coverage of every academic concentration including: social science journals, humanities journals, science and technology journals, national news periodicals, general interest magazines, newswires, and many others.
Educator's Reference Complete - This powerful database covers multiple levels of education from preschool to college and includes every educational specialty, such as bilingual studies, health, technology and testing. Also included are resources on issues related to administration, funding and policy in education.
General Science Collection - A well rounded science collection offering in-depth information for scientific research consisting of over 200 journals encompassing the most popular scientific titles such as Scientific American, Archeology, Physics Today, Info Today, Mathematics Magazine and many more.
If you want a quick introduction on how to use these databases just ask for reference help at the front desk.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Join the Friends of the Library - New Members Needed!
Membership forms are also available at the front desk of the library. If you cannot attend the meeting, please take a few forms and share them with your friends so they can become our Friends too.
Annual Meeting
October 23, 2008
6:30 p.m.
Library Auditorium
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Minnesota Museum of Mining Adds Photographs to Minnesota Reflections
The Minnesota Museum of Mining in Chisholm was established in 1953 on 15 acres within a walled sports complex built as a 1930s WPA project. The museum houses a steam locomotive and shovel, large pieces of mining equipment, haul trucks, fire trucks, a replica underground mine drift, a steam railroad diorama by artist F. Lee Jaques, and exhibits from early life in a mining town. The images contributed to "Minnesota Reflections" illustrate miners and their equipment, mine safety, lowering a mule into an underground mine, and construction of the WPA-era sports complex.
View these historical pictures by going to:
Choose “Search by Collection” and click on “Minnesota Museum of Mining”.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Banned Book Week
Celebrate your freedom to read by reading a banned book during Banned Books Week. This year marks the 27th annual celebration of the freedom to read. The Office of Intellectual Freedom tracks hundreds of reports of challenged items each year. There were 420 known attempts nationally to remove books from public and school libraries in 2007.
The Hibbing Public Library along with the American Library Association wants everyone to think about the importance of intellectual freedom. It is the right of an individual to choose what materials are suitable for themselves and their families.
Read a book from the “banned book display” during the week and exercise your freedom to choose.
More information and for lists of banned or challenged books.
Have you read a banned book?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
My Health Minnesota - Go Local Celebrates One Year!
Minnesota citizens can use Go Local to find more than 5,000 hospitals, nursing homes, physicians, support groups, pharmacists, libraries, rehabilitation programs, and other health services in the Land of 10,000 Lakes, plus reliable health information about a multitude of diseases and conditions from MedlinePlus. The database is searchable by location, diseases/health issues, and providers/facilities/health services. My Health Minnesota -> Go Local continues to grow daily as resources are added throughout the state.
In its first year, My Health Minnesota -> Go Local has been used by people all over Minnesota, plus across the United States and in other parts of the world. This resource is available from the library’s web site. Go to: and click on “Databases & Search Engines” and then click on “Medical” and then click on “My Health Minnesota – Go Local”.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Friends of the Library Annual Book Sale
Money raised by the Friends supplements library programming and the adult and children’s book budgets.
Hibbing Public Library Auditorium
Friday, October 10th, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, October 11th, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Fall Computer Classes
For a complete list of classes go to: Library Computer Classes
A Cool Evening at the Library
Monday, September 08, 2008
Keetac Mine Expansion
The public meeting will be on Wednesday, October 1, 2008 beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Nashwauk Keewatin High School in Nashwauk.
The Hibbing Public Library hours are Monday - Thursday - 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. and Friday & Saturday - 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Library Open on Saturday
Monday through Thursday - 9:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m.
Friday and Saturday - 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Bucks Buy Books in September
Over the years the progam has collected over $28000.00 and the library has been able to purchase more than 1100 additional books. Donations were used to buy added copies of very popular bestsellers, children’s books, and other popular fiction and nonfiction titles. Watch for more information and updates about the Bucks Buy Books campaign.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Fall Story Time Schedule
Story Time - Programs are offered Tuesday and Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. for 20 - 60 minutes
A 30 - 60 minute program for pre-schoolers with books, songs and the "Letter of the Week". Open play if time permits. Volunteers are needed for craft projects.
Toddler Time - Program is offered Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. for 20 - 60 minutes.
A program for toddlers aged 2-3 years with books, songs, and finger plays. Open play if time permits.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Environmental Impact Statement For Mesabi Nugget Phase II Project
The comment period for these documents ends on September 10, 2008. All comments can be directed to the address listed in the documents. In addition the DNR will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, September 3, 2008, beginning at 6:00 p.m., at the Aurora Community Center in Aurora, Minnesota.
Ask at the front desk for the Mesabi Nugget Project documents.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Friends of the Library
All community members that care about libraries and what they represent should consider joining. The Hibbing Friends raise money for library materials and equipment and receive gifts, memorials and bequests for library improvements. The Friends of the library sponsor the annual used book sale, the family Yuletide Festival and many other special programs for the community. If you are interested in fostering awareness of the library and its many services please consider becoming a member of the Friends of the Library.
Friday, August 01, 2008
Nonfiction Online Book Club
Just go to the library’s home page, click on the “Online Book Clubs” icon and sign up for the Nonfiction Club.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Join us on August 6th!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Summer Reading Program - July 28 - August 1
The Chocolate Fest will be Thursday, July 31st at 2:00 p.m. Pre-registration was required for this event.
This is the last week to receive prizes for the Summer Reading Program and Read and Win tickets to the St. Louis County Fair.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Online Book Club for Teens
“Picture Perfect” by D. Anne Love is a Teen Book Club selection. Phoebe Trask's story begins with the hot Texas summer before her freshman year in high school. A self-proclaimed daddy's girl, still Phoebe struggles when her mother becomes a traveling spokeswoman for a cosmetics company, virtually abandoning the family. Phoebe's sister is away at college; her best friend recently moved; and her father, a judge, is always busy, so she and her brother often find themselves on their own. Then a new next-door neighbor shakes things up: Beverly Grace, a lonely writer recently returned from Italy, strikes up a friendship with the judge. As Phoebe worries about events like her first kiss and her first dance, she also worries that her family won't survive her parents' separation. When her mother finally comes home for good, it is because she has been diagnosed with cancer.
Start reading gripping mysteries, wildly hilarious comedies, true adventures, mystical science fiction, and romance in your email. Just go to the library’s home page, click on the “Online Book Clubs” icon and sign up for the Teen Club.
Friday, July 18, 2008
What Should I Read Next?
The database also provides award winners, author read alikes, feature articles, book discussion guides, and direct links to web sites with information about the author and upcoming titles. NoveList is available from the library’s web site.
Summer Reading Program - July 21-25
Jeff Smith and his Creepy Crawlies will be in the library auditorium on Thursday, July 24th at 10:00 a.m. Check out the lizards, amphibians, and insects and join in on the hour of creepy fun and learning.
The last day to sign up for the summer reading program will be Friday, July 25th. All prizes need to be collected by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, August 1st.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
A Sponge-tastic Birthday!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Summer Reading Program - July 14 - 18
The Kid’s Cookery program will be on Thursday, July 17th at 11:00 a.m. Everyone will have a chance to learn easy recipes that they can take home. This program is free, but registration is required.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Summer Reading Program - July 7th - 11th
This week’s stories include “Froggy Eats Out” by Jonathan London and “Colliding Chris” by Dan Harder. In the first, Froggy learns a lesson after he misbehaves at a fancy restaurant. His parents take him to the fast flies restaurant on their next outing. Harder’s story allows everyone to share the wild experience of Chris’s first ride on a bicycle with hand brakes.
Kids of all ages will enjoy the comic and juggling antics of Sparky the Clown on Friday, July 11th at 1:00 p.m.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Read & Win
Pick up a separate Read and Win book log starting July 1st at the Hibbing Public Library.
10 books or 250 pages earn a coupon for a Coca-Cola product at the Schweiby’s food booth.
20 books or 500 pages earns a coupon for a Fraboni hot dog at the Schweiby’s food booth
30 books or 750 pages earn a free child’s pass to the St. Louis County Fair.
40 books or 1,000 pages earns a coupon for a free Mighty Bluegrass Show ride
Thanks go to Bettie Valley for coordinating this program that is supported by the St. Louis County Fair Board and Schweiby.
See you at the St. Louis County Fair!
Friends of the Hibbing Public Library Membership Drive
The Friends group is instrumental in raising funds for building improvements. The air conditioning project was a huge undertaking but it is time to begin planning for future projects. Having reached 50 years old, the library building needs more attention. A new roof, flooring, energy efficient windows, and improved lighting are the next projects.
Anyone interested in joining the Friends organization can pick up an application form at the front desk of the library. Remember, good libraries need good friends.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Summer Reading Program Week of June 30th
Fair Fun Day will be at the St. Louis County Fairgrounds by Ironworld on Monday, June 30th from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. The Amazing Charles will be on hand along with a variety of live animals. You will also be able to play games with the area’s children’s librarians.
The children’s librarian will present a puppet show on Thursday, July 3rd. Catch the 45 minute program at either 10:00 a.m. or 1:30 p.m.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Internet Safety Month
Read the congressional proclamation and learn some surprising statistics.
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children has great information for protecting our children and ourselves online. It also has a great section for kids to explore and learn about using the internet safely. Visit their website at:
Monday, June 23, 2008
Pre-Overdue Notices
Need a reminder a day or two before your library items are due? The email pre-overdue notice is for you. Next time you are in the library ask to have your borrower record updated to receive email notices. In addition to all the regular hold and overdue notices you will receive a courtesy notice reminding you when items are due.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Summer Reading Program for the week of June 23rd
Story time for preschoolers is on Tuesday and Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. Each program will include stories, songs, and the “Letter of the Week”.
Casey Aro will be entertaining at the library on Thursday, June 26th at 11:00 a.m. His song and dance show will delight all ages.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Hugh Reynolds' Painting
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Summer Reading Program
At storytime this week the books read will be “Skippyjon Jones” by Judy Schachner, “The Day the Babies Crawled Away” by Peggy Rathman, and “Bear Feels Sick” by Karma Wilson.
The Underwater World Aquarium from the Mall of America will be presenting Underwater Adventures on Thursday, June 19th at 11:00 a.m. Learn about our friends who live in the water. This program is free but registration is required. Call the library or register at the front desk.
Friday, June 06, 2008
Week 2 - Summer Reading Program
Story time for preschoolers is on Tuesday and Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. Each program will include stories, songs, and the “Letter of the Week”.
Books this week will be “There’s a Nightmare in my Closet” by Mercer Mayer, “Bunny Cakes” by Rosemary Wells, and “Porcupining” by Lisa Wheeler.
Acclaimed picture book author, Debra Frasier will present “Picture Book Magic” on Wednesday, June 11th at 1:15 p.m. Come and find out how picture books are made and maybe win one signed by Ms. Frasier!
The Underwater World Aquarium from the Mall of America will be presenting Underwater Adventures on Thursday, June 19th at 11:00 a.m. Learn about our friends who live in the water. This program is free but registration is required. Call the library or register at the front desk.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
"Highway Bob" Poster Donated to Library Collection
It has been posted with permission by the artist on the "Expecting Rain" website on The Bob Dylan Exhibition page. This section consists of art, drawings Dylan fans on the Net.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Summer Reading Program
The Hibbing Public Library has lined up an exciting eight week summer reading program. There will be prizes to earn for reading books, programs to attend and fun to be had.
We encourage you to sign up during the first week, but registration remains open through July 25th. The last day of the Summer Reading program is August 1st.
Pre-School Storytime will be held every Tuesday and Wenesday at 10:00 a.m.
The first program will be a Tie Dye Kick-Off
Thursday, June 5th at 1:00 p.m.
Bring a light colored shirt to tie dye your favorite summer colors! Library will provide supplies and instruction, you supply the shirt.
Did you tie dye a shirt last year? If you did, wear it to this years event for a colorful display of your work!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Bob Dylan Walking Tour
The walk starts at the building that was Zimmerman Electric and ends at the Androy, the site of Bob’s Bar Mitzvah celebration.
Walking Tour Map
Podcast of Tour
Monday, May 12, 2008
Great Lakes Counties Report
All comments concerning the evaluation of public health issues must be submitted in writing by June 30, 2008.
Stop in during normal hours to read the report and prepare comments.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Painters of the North Country
A reception for participating artists and the public is scheduled for Thursday, May 22, from 1-4 PM in the library auditorium.
Stop by for a Dylan-inspired afternoon: Listen to Dylan's music as you view the LSWS exhibit of paintings, indulge in or resist Beatty Zimmerman’s chocolate chip banana bread. Enjoy spending time with friends, artists, and Dylan fans.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
New Features - New Technology!
Another fun feature we have added is a listing of the Hibbing Public Library "Twitter" entries. Twitter is designed to allow people to make short entries about what they are doing at any given time. The Library is using it to talk about resources and events at the library.
Both of these options are available in the right hand column of this blog.
If you have questions or would like to learn more about either of these new tools send an email to Chris.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Smashing Good Time!





Did you turn your TV off this week? What did you do instead?
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Painters of the North Country - 2nd Annual Bob Dylan Exhibit
The Hibbing Public Library will host the second annual exhibit of paintings by members of the Lake Superior Watercolor Society (LSWS).
The exhibit will feature more than 30 new, framed watercolor and water-media paintings inspired by the life and lyrics of Bob Dylan. The exhibit will coincide with Dylan Days. Opening on May 1 and running through June 5, 2008.
A reception for participating artists and the public is scheduled for Thursday, May 22, from 1-4 PM in the library auditorium. Stop by for a Dylan-inspired afternoon: Listen to Dylan's music, view the exhibit, indulge in Beatty Zimmerman’s chocolate chip banana bread and spend time with friends, artists, and Dylan fans.
Paintings will be for sale through the Friends of the Hibbing Public Library who will receive a commission on each painting sold. For more information email Louise Lundin or visit the Hibbing Public Library website.
Stop in and see the display during normal library hours. Did you see last year's display?
Saturday, April 05, 2008
TV Turn Off Week
An essay contest will be held. All kids in grades 3-6 can write a one page essay on "Why Books are Better than TV." Essays must be turned in to the Hibbing Public Library by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 17th. Library staff will read the essays and pick the winner, who will be notified by phone and get to go up in a cherry picker and throw a TV at a target drawn on the street.
Library events on April 23rd will include:
- Closing 21st Ave. between 4th and 5th East will be closed to traffic from 3:30-5pm.
- Local groups are invited to set up a table or booth to promote their organization, especially if it gives kids and families the opportunity to get out and away from the TV. We are also encouraging groups to sell concessions to raise money for themselves and promote a picnic atmosphere.
- At 4:30, the winner of an essay contest will go up 10 feet in a cherry picker and toss a TV at a target drawn on the street. The TV will be filled with treats and small toys.
- At 5pm, family programs including puppet shows, games, crafts and other performances and demonstrations by other organizations will begin in the library and run till 8pm.
If you would like more information or to participate in this event, please email Chuck Bell or call 362-5959.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Online Book Clubs
So many books, so little time. For all those busy people, the Hibbing Public Library has a new service: an Online Book Club that delivers books electronically.
Each day, Monday through Friday, the library emails subscribers a portion of a book that takes about 5-minutes to read. They're able to read two or three chapters from a book during the week. If they like a book, they can check it out of the library. Each week the library features new books.
With 11 book clubs to choose from, there's something for everyone. Patrons can read Fiction, Non Fiction, Romance, Business, Good News, Horror, Teen, Mystery, Pre-Publication, and Science Fiction.
They can also listen to Audio Books in their email and there's even a Pre-Publication Club. You can start reading books in your email before they're even published.
The Book Forum is your chance to be the reviewer. What do you think about this week's book so far? Do you plan on finishing the book? Is it going to make your personal reading list? If you've already found out "who done it" or "did she get the guy," don't give away the ending. But do tell me what you think.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Magician Star at the Library
Cotton native Magician Star will perform her high energy, audience participation show. Not only is it great fun, but it gets your kids fired up about reading!
This show will take the place of the regularly scheduled Story Time.
For more information email or call 218-362-5959.
Click on "comments" below to tell us about the last magician you saw.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Community Wide Survey
Hibbing has partnered with North Star Destination Strategies to develop a community “Brand” for marketing the city to visitors, residents and businesses in the year 2008 and beyond.
North Star customized a Communitywide Online Survey which has been carefully crafted to determine the city’s strengths, weaknesses, challenges and opportunities. All residents are invited and encouraged to participate in this important community-wide initiative.
“We have partnered with more than 90 cities in more than 20 states nationwide and I can’t emphasize enough the importance of insights gleaned from community members,” stressed McEachern. “To learn what makes a city special, you have to go to the people who spend more than just their money and time there. You have to go to the people who spend their lives there.”
If you are interested in learning more about Hibbing ’s branding initiative, contact Duane Northagen or Miriam Kero at the City of Hibbing Economic Development Office at City Hall. To learn more about North Star Destination Strategies, go to
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Online Help for the College Bound
The College Blue Book covers thousands of 2- and 4-year schools in the U.S. and Canada, their programs, degrees, and financial aid sources.
Scholarships, Fellowships and Loans provides sources of scholarships, fellowships, loans, internships, work study, and other education-related financial aid at all levels of study. Included is a summary of programs sponsored by the federal government and a state-by-state listing of agencies that users can contact in their home state.
Monday, March 10, 2008
We Have a New Phone Number!
Main number: 218-362-5959
TTY/TTD: 218-362-5956
Fax: 218-312-9779
Friday, March 07, 2008
Downloadable Audio Books
Please plan ahead and if you need electronic books for the weekend; do your downloads on Friday.
Some FAQs for those who are not familiar with this service:
What are Digital Audio Books?
A digital audio book is the downloadable version of a book on tape or CD. Digital audio books can be transferred to a portable device, and select titles can even be burned to a CD. Digital media is automatically returned so there are never late fees or trips to the library.
What you will need:
Digital audio books are available for the OverDrive Media Console, which relies on Windows Media Technology. Most Windows computers with Windows Media Player 9 (or higher) and the OverDrive software installed will work.
To access digital media, you will need:
A valid library card from an Arrowhead Library System Library or the Duluth Public Library.
Access to the internet. At this time, we are unable to download digital media to public library computers. If you connect to the internet with a dial up connection it is recommended that you only download one "part" of digital media at a time.
Free OverDrive software.
Transferring digital media:
Once digital media is downloaded onto your computer it may be transferred to other portable devices. See the OverDrive website for a list of compatible devices and directions for testing your device for compatibility.
Some items may be burned to CD's. Review the "Digital Rights Information" to see how many times an item can be transferred to other devices and if it may be burned to a CD. Note that each "part" of a digital item will require a separate CD.
Go to the library's home page, click on "Download Audiobooks" and try one!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Dr. Seuss's Birthday and Luau Fun
This is also the last week of the Winter Reading Program so after the stories upstairs everyone will head down to the auditorium for games, crafts, treats and assorted nonsense in the finest luau tradition.
Storyhour is every Tuesday and Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. Meet by the fireplace!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Teen Tech Week March 2 - 8, 2008
There will also be a special program in the computer lab on Thursday, March 6th at 3:15 called “Blogging for Teens”. Anyone interested in attending should register by calling the library at 262-1038 or just sign up at the front desk.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The Range Reads
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
New Genealogy Databases at Iron World
Ancestry Library Edition and HeritageQuest Online give genealogists access to resources far beyond what has previously been available.
Ancestry Library Edition allows users to access approximately 4000 databases, including U.S. Federal Census images and indexes from 1790 to 1930, a Civil War collection, the Social Security Death Index, and much more.
HeritageQuest Online combines information from federal records, books, family and local histories, city directories and many other sources to help researchers find their ancestors, trace their paths across America and even learn what life was like in the areas where they settled.
The Research Center is free and open during Ironworld's regular hours, Tuesday through Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Thursday 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
2008 ARRM Conference Art Contest
About 100 pieces by local and area artists that receive services from ARRM will be on display at the library from Monday, February 4th through Thursday, February 7th.
The theme of the 2008 ARRM Conference is “Welcome to the Big Top: There’s Something for Everyone! SoHo Artists of Hibbing is sponsoring this event.
Community members vote and the 10 winning entries will receive royalty payments for their artwork. The top entry will be imprinted on the bags all attendees are given at the annual conference.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Book Review
Stephen King
I haven’t read a Stephen King book in years, so I picked up Duma Key with trepidation. Duma Key passed the first hurdle when I realized it didn’t have alien spaceships in it. Edgar Freemantle moves from Minnesota to the Florida Keys to recover from a catastrophic accident where he takes up landscape painting. As Edgar’s painting improves, he forms new friendships with Wireman and Old Elizabeth Eastlake and learns of another artist whose painting seemed supernatural. Tragic historical events in one family reveal disappearances, creepy dolls, ghosts and shipwrecks to make this a satisfying read. A story that takes place in Florida is always a good thing during a Minnesota winter.
For more information on Stephen King, go to:
Monday, January 28, 2008
Tax Volunteers at the Library
Fridays - 9:00 a.m. — 2:30 p.m.
Saturdays - 9:00 a.m. —12:00 p.m.
Help will also be available at the following locations and times:
Tourist Center
Beginning Feb. 4, 2008
Monday, 9:00—2:30
Memorial Building
Beginning Feb. 5, 2008
Tuesday, 9:00— 2:30
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Hot Reads For Cold Nights!

Warm up with a hot book from the Hibbing Public Library. The library and the Friends of the Hibbing Public Library are once again offering the HOT READS FOR COLD NIGHTS winter reading program for adults.
It will run February 1st through March 1st. There will be daily giveaways, weekly drawings and a grand prize drawing at the end. Each time an adult checks out library items they can enter their name into the drawing.
This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Hibbing Public Library and Arrowhead Library System.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Children's Winter Reading and Story Time!

The Children's Winter Reading program, Escape with a Book, will run from February 5th until March 7th. Sign up; get a book log, bookmark, and a sticker card. Every four books read or listened to, earn a sticker and every ten books earn a prize. Everyone will be awarded a certificate at the end of the program and be invited to the Luau Party.
Story hour is back on the library schedule. Mr. Bell will be reading his favorite stories, singing songs, and doing wiggle breaks every Tuesday and Wednesday morning at 10:00 a.m.
The program on January 22nd and 23rd will feature One Dog Canoe by Minnesota author, Mary Casanova. A girl and her dog set out in a small canoe early one morning and are soon joined by a variety of animals both large and small.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Successful Bucks Buy Books Campaign
The Hibbing Public Library’s fourth annual Bucks Buy Books program recently ended with over $7,000 added to the new books fund of the library.
Created by the Library Board of Trustees to supplement budget cuts imposed by the city in 2005, Bucks Buy Books encourages donors — principally through donations added to Hibbing Public Utilities (HPU) bills — to contribute monies to the new books budget of the library.
“We really appreciate the support of the community in getting behind this program,” commented Librarian Ginny Richmond as she tabulated the dollars and number of donors.
“The program has really raised the awareness of our needs,” she continued. “People contribute through their HPU bills, through sending or dropping off checks and cash, through endowments or wills, and even through the penny jar on the front desk.”
In the four years since its inception, Bucks Buy Books has added over $30,000 to the adult and children’s book budgets — "an impressive amount of money,” Richmond noted thankfully.
With the average cost of a new book running somewhere between $20 to $25, the campaign this year will see an infusion of well over 300 new titles appearing on the shelves of the Hibbing Public Library.
Library Board of Trustees chair Mike Marincel added that the success “says a lot about the community and the importance people place on reading and the role of the library.”
The above article was written by Library Board Member Dan Bergan and published in the Sunday, Hibbing Daily Tribune.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Computer Classes Will Begin in February
Computer Basics
Absolutely no computer skills are necessary. This session is an introduction to computers and includes learning to use a mouse, and basic computer terms.
Wednesday, February 6th @ 10:30 a.m.
Working with Word I
Learn the very basics of Microsoft Word. Opening, saving, spell check, fonts, cut, copy and paste are the topics covered in this class.
Thursday, February 14th @ 10:30 a.m.
E-Mail for Beginners
Set up a free e-mail account for yourself. Learn e-mail etiquette and send e-mail. Must feel confident using a mouse.
Thursday, February 21st @ 10:30 a.m.
Internet for Beginners
An Introduction to the Internet. Session includes learning the browser icons, locating items on the Internet and simple searching. Must feel confident using a mouse.
Wednesday, February 27th @ 10:30 a.m.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Tax Information
Tax help, complements of the AEOA Tax Aide Program volunteers will be available at the following times and locations:
Library Conference Room
Beginning Feb. 1, 2008
Friday, 9:00—2:30
Saturday, 9:00—12:00
Tourist Center
Beginning Feb. 4, 2008
Monday, 9:00—2:30
Memorial Building
Beginning Feb. 5, 2008
Tuesday, 9:00— 2:30
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Open House
He is looking forward to meeting everyone.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
New Children’s Librarian
Watch for information on an Open House to officially welcome Chuck to Hibbing.
One Community, One Read
The Library Journal review states: Winner of a National Book Award in 1979 for Going After Cacciato ( LJ 12/15/77), O'Brien again shows his literary stuff with this brilliant collection of short stories, many of which have won literary recognition (several appeared in O. Henry Awards' collections and Best American Short Stories ). Each of the 22 tales relates the exploits and personalities of a fictional platoon of American soldiers in Vietnam. An acutely painful reading experience, this collection should be read as a book and not a mere selection of stories reprinted from magazines. Not since Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse - Five ( LJ 3/1/69) has the American soldier been portrayed with such poignancy and sincerity. Mark Annichiarico.