Monday, December 21, 2009

Snow Angels by James Thompson

Inspector Vaara investigates the murder of a Somali film star in northern Finland on the edge of the Arctic Circle during winter. Finland, the land of the midnight sun in summer, depresses everyone in December, where daylight is a memory and the temperatures are well below zero.
Sufia Elmi, mutilated and murdered, causes much consternation with Inspector Vaara when he finds out his former wife lives with their main suspect, Seppo Niemi. Gritty and dark, the weather and the lack of sunlight adversely affect the people living there. Heavy drinking, suicide and family violence are frequent. Some Finnish phrases and the description of the Sauna are very familiar to my own background with great – grandparents who came over during the early 1900s.
Snow Angels is the first in a series by James Thompson, an American, who has lived in Finland for the last 10 years. I look forward to reading the next book in the series.

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