Thursday, April 26, 2012

Leading with Honor by Lee Ellis

Leading with Honor: Leadership Lessons from the Hanoi Hilton
by Lee Ellis with Foreword by Senator John McCain
John McCain, "Lee Ellis and I share a bond that goes back to our experience in the POW camps of North Vietnam. He was captured eleven days after me, and we occupied neighboring cells in the Hanoi Hilton for eighteen months of our captivity."
Lee Ellis, "In the Hanoi Hilton I learned that leading with honor is about doing the right thing, even when it entails personal sacrifice. More often than not, doing the right things - accepting responsibility, fulfilling your duty, telling the truth, and remaining faithful to your word - is the most difficult thing to do, but it's also the thing that brings long-term success."
Find the book in the new book section under: 658.4092 ELLIS

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