Thursday, April 03, 2008

Online Book Clubs

So many books, so little time. For all those busy people, the Hibbing Public Library has a new service: an Online Book Club that delivers books electronically.

Each day, Monday through Friday, the library emails subscribers a portion of a book that takes about 5-minutes to read. They're able to read two or three chapters from a book during the week. If they like a book, they can check it out of the library. Each week the library features new books.

With 11 book clubs to choose from, there's something for everyone. Patrons can read Fiction, Non Fiction, Romance, Business, Good News, Horror, Teen, Mystery, Pre-Publication, and Science Fiction.

They can also listen to Audio Books in their email and there's even a Pre-Publication Club. You can start reading books in your email before they're even published.

The Book Forum is your chance to be the reviewer. What do you think about this week's book so far? Do you plan on finishing the book? Is it going to make your personal reading list? If you've already found out "who done it" or "did she get the guy," don't give away the ending. But do tell me what you think.

Sign up now.

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