Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Book Review: Starvation Lake by Bryan Gruley

Gus Carpenter, returns to Starvation Lake from the newspaper business in Detroit, and becomes the editor of the local paper, The Pilot.
Ten years earlier, legendary Coach Blackburn, deeply mourned by the town, drowned in an accident when his snowmobile went through the ice.
Starvation Lake, in northern Michigan, is a small resort town barely surviving, where people relive the glory years and the jarring defeat of their one chance of winning the state hockey tournament with Coach Blackburn who raised young players to be great hockey players.
Within days of Gus’ return, parts of the coach’s snowmobile has surfaced, but not on the lake where the accident occurred. The accident turns into an investigation of murder when a bullet hole is found in the snowmobile.
Gus relives the past as he becomes reacquainted with the present town and people. He wonders what happened to his old coach during the years he was gone. Suspenseful with fully formed quirky characters often found in small towns and the violent action during the hockey games provide punch to the twist at the end.
First book in the Starvation Lake series by author, Bryan Gruley; visit the following websites for further information: http://www.bryangruley.com/ and http://www.starvationlake.com/

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