Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Now You See Me by S. J. Bolton

First Line: “A dead woman was leaning against my car.”

Lacey Flint, detective constable quickly moves from property crimes to a murder task force when she witnesses a murder in a car park in London. As a young woman, Lacey had a fascination with serial killers, Jack the Ripper in particular and soon parallels between the current murders and the killings by Jack the Ripper are drawn. For the Ripper copycat seems to be targeting Flint with notes teasing her about details of the original killings.

Detective Inspector Tulloch and Detective Inspector Joesbury trust Flint to varying degrees. DI Tulloch feels that DC Flint can be used to draw the killer in, especially when the second body shows up also stabbed to death.

Joesbury thinks Flint’s knowledge of Jack the Ripper and her proximity to the dying woman was too convenient. Flint feels that DI Joesbury studies her a little too closely and tries to divert his attention. For Flint is concealing her looks and her past in the hopes that she will not be scrutinized too closely. As the case progresses, Lacy is horrorstruck when she finds her obscure past is unraveling and the killer is targeting her personally.

Many twists in this murder plot will keep you guessing until the very end as to the why these particular women were targeted. The revelation of the killer will electrify you.

S J Bolton has written other books, here is her website: http://www.sjbolton.com/

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