Wednesday, August 05, 2009

The Whatchamacallit by Danny Danziger and Mark McCrum

Read about objects that we all recognize but don’t always know the names for. Do you know what a dongle, deckle or dibble is?
A few whatchamacallits from the book complete with anecdotes:
The Desire Line is the path that people will take independent of any existing pavement or road. You can see the desire line, straight or slightly crooked, beaten across grassy or muddy areas avoiding the signed route authorities would prefer you use.
MacGuffin is the object, event or character in a film or story that serves to set and keep the plot in motion. Alfred Hitchcock came up with the name MacGuffin in a 1939 lecture he gave at Columbia University and in the film, North by Northwest, the MacGuffin was "government secrets."
A Waldo is a mechanical hand held device for manipulating objects by remote control. It is generally used in hazardous environments. The first remote designed to control a television was developed by Zenith in 1950 and was called the Lazy Bones and connected to the television by a wire. 5 years later, the Zenith wireless remote was developed and called the Flashmatic.

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